[atf-mt] ATF Scholarships at AERO Expo

Tammy Howard tammyh at ncat.org
Wed Sep 25 16:40:34 MDT 2019


I have a few great opportunities to share with our Armed to Farm alumni. As days get shorter and and cooler, it is time to think about our own farm-based professional development. I am excited to announce that our friends at the Alternative Energy Resources Organization will be offering scholarships to attend (and stay) at their Expo in Bozeman in a month. They usually have useful information on farming and energy self sufficiency. It is also a great opportunity to network with other farmers and ranchers.

Since AERO is handling this, the directions are listed below. Look for an amazing opportunity with the Quivera Coalition on this list momentarily.

Attending the AERO Expo:

  1.  Find out more information about the Expo and register. Here is the link to register.  EXPO 2019<https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eventbrite.com%2Fe%2F2019-aero-expo-seeding-the-future-tickets-63575863118&data=02%7C01%7Ctammyh%40ncat.org%7C87a80a2b12e4497bd4b808d741f78344%7C833912b329304964ab4dec38e988d2c4%7C0%7C0%7C637050403641892129&sdata=pSAsLw%2BX%2BkwL99c9eJMC%2FaI4vyytr5Tmu6bE6pYASoI%3D&reserved=0>
  2.  When you register enter the code armedtofarm in the scholarship field. This is a $125 value!
  3.  They will reimburse up to $92/ night for lodging (that's up to $184 per individual since they may stay two nights) and up to $75 for gas stipend per individual. Fill out the attached form and hand it in at the registration booth at the Expo or mail it in shortly after the conference.

From: Kate McLean <office at aeromt.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 2:32 PM
To: Tammy Howard <tammyh at ncat.org>
Cc: Kate McLean <kmclean at aeromt.org>; Jennifer Battles <jbattles at aeromt.org>
Subject: Re: ATF Scholarships at AERO Expo

Hi Tammy,
Registrants will have to fill out a reimbursement form for travel expenses (see attached).
We will reimburse up to $92/ night for lodging (that's up to $184 per individual since they may stay two nights) and up to $75 for gas stipend per individual. For up to seven individuals.

And again the code to register is armedtofarm (a $125 value)

Kate McLean
Member Services Coordinator
Office Manager


Mailing address: PO Box 1558, Helena, MT 59624
Physical address: 302 N. Last Chance Gulch, 3rd floor, Helena, MT 59601
Phone: (406) 443-7272
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