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Hello! <br>
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I have a few great opportunities to share with our Armed to Farm alumni. As days get shorter and and cooler, it is time to think about our own farm-based professional development. I am excited to announce that our friends at the Alternative Energy Resources
Organization will be offering scholarships to attend (and stay) at their Expo in Bozeman in a month. They usually have useful information on farming and energy self sufficiency. It is also a great opportunity to network with other farmers and ranchers.
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Since AERO is handling this, the directions are listed below. Look for an amazing opportunity with the Quivera Coalition on this list momentarily.</div>
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Attending the AERO Expo:</div>
<div style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
<li>Find out more information about the Expo and register. Here is the link to register.
<a href="https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eventbrite.com%2Fe%2F2019-aero-expo-seeding-the-future-tickets-63575863118&data=02%7C01%7Ctammyh%40ncat.org%7C87a80a2b12e4497bd4b808d741f78344%7C833912b329304964ab4dec38e988d2c4%7C0%7C0%7C637050403641892129&sdata=pSAsLw%2BX%2BkwL99c9eJMC%2FaI4vyytr5Tmu6bE6pYASoI%3D&reserved=0" originalsrc="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-aero-expo-seeding-the-future-tickets-63575863118" target="_blank">
EXPO 2019</a><br>
</li><li>When you register enter the code <b>armedtofarm</b> in the scholarship field. This is a $125 value!<br>
</li><li>They will reimburse up to $92/ night for lodging (that's up to $184 per individual since they may stay two nights) and up to $75 for gas stipend per individual. Fill out the attached form and hand it in at the registration booth at the Expo or mail it in
shortly after the conference. <br>
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<div id="divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font style="font-size:11pt" face="Calibri, sans-serif" color="#000000"><b>From:</b> Kate McLean <office@aeromt.org><br>
<b>Sent:</b> Wednesday, September 25, 2019 2:32 PM<br>
<b>To:</b> Tammy Howard <tammyh@ncat.org><br>
<b>Cc:</b> Kate McLean <kmclean@aeromt.org>; Jennifer Battles <jbattles@aeromt.org><br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: ATF Scholarships at AERO Expo</font>
<div> </div>
<div dir="ltr">Hi Tammy,
<div>Registrants will have to fill out a reimbursement form for travel expenses (see attached).<br>
<div>We will reimburse up to $92/ night for lodging (that's up to $184 per individual since they may stay two nights) and up to $75 for gas stipend per individual. For up to seven individuals.<br>
<div>And again the code to register is <b>armedtofarm </b>(a $125 value) <br>
-- <br>
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<div><span style="font-size:12.8px">Kate McLean</span><br>
<div><font size="1"><i>Member Services Coordinator</i></font></div>
<div><font size="1"><i>Office Manager</i></font></div>
<div><font size="1"><i><br>
<div><font size="1"><i><img width="85" height="96" src="https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1wx-H43R-YPK8gftiMZiDlfJpXMSG-OkJ&revid=0Bzabv7jkxm51VjJzVVF1UU5tTmhBbDlIV1JucVZobzFYc0x3PQ"><br>
<div style="font-size:12.8px; font-family:Helvetica"><font size="2" color="#0b5394">Mailing address: PO Box 1558, Helena, MT 59624</font></div>
<div style="font-size:12.8px; font-family:Helvetica"><font size="2"><font color="#0b5394">Physical address: 302 N. Last Chance Gulch, 3rd floor, Helena, MT 59601<br>
Phone: <a value="+14064437272" style="color:rgb(34,34,34)">(</a></font><a value="+14064437272">406) 443-7272</a><font color="#274e13"> </font></font></div>