[soilforwater] Join us for a webinar series with Didi Pershouse specific to agriculture producers

Kara Kroeger karak at ncat.org
Fri Sep 24 07:27:19 MDT 2021

Hello S4W friends,

This is a reminder that we will be continuing the soil sponge conversation with Didi Pershouse for the next two weeks. The following series is open only to agriculture producers, and will be a much more intimate and interactive group than last Monday's webinar. We would love to have your voice at the table. Please join us and invite your other agricultural friend to join as well.

It is best if you can attend all the sessions in the following series, but it is okay if you can only drop into those that your schedule permits. I have included the Zoom link below for you to sign into the webinar. No need to register!

Please let me know if you have any other questions. Hope to see you there. Enjoy your weekend!

Understanding Soil Health and Watershed Function- the Soil Sponge as Essential Infrastructure

In this four-part virtual workshop series led by Didi Pershouse reserved for agricultural producers, participants will deepen their understanding of whole-systems landscape function and effective land management. There will be a focus on water and the soil sponge. This will be a highly participatory discussion course geared toward building working relationships and a trusted “community of practice” to facilitate ongoing peer-to-peer learning. We will feature examples from and address specific concerns regarding soil management to hold more water. Registration in this course enrolls you in the remaining four workshops in the series. Attendance is requested for all events in the series.

Collaborating with the Essential Workforce of Other Species
September 27th, 5-7pm CST

We will do a quick refresher of the first workshop, then dive into the work of other species. What is the essential work of other species, and what are the job descriptions in a functional landscape? How does biological work drive the water cycle and carbon cycle? What ‘currencies’ does this natural workforce use in its ‘economy’ and how can we help facilitate this process?

Measuring Change for Long Term Success
September 30th, 5-7pm CST

How do you know if your land’s “soil sponge” structure and function is improving? What tests are useful and affordable? When should a project use monitoring, and when is it safe to trust in computer-simulated models of landscape function?

 Money, Life, and Land
October 4th, 5-7pm CST

How can we deepen our understanding of the relationship between functioning ecosystems and economies? Where will the money for regeneration come from? What are the costs of degraded land and who is paying those costs? Can we redirect those funds toward land regeneration? Are the emerging Soil Carbon markets, Payment for Ecosystem Services programs, and Climate Smart farming initiatives actually regenerative and working from a living systems perspective? If not, how can we improve them?

The Power of Networks, Frameworks, and Holistic Decision Making
October 7th, 5-7pm CST

Why are some regenerative land projects gaining enormous momentum while others are stalling? What role do human relationships play in effective projects? When do “experts” and research studies help make change, and when do they disempower people from taking action? How do we design projects and policies that grow human and ecological capability, and engage people for the long haul?

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 6963 4445
Passcode: 335038
One tap mobile
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Kara Kroeger

Sustainable Ag Specialist


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